Getting an insurance quote requires that you carefully review the coverages, terms, and conditions. Taking for granted an exact apples-to-apples cost comparison may present some surprises later on.
Insurance Quotes – Compare the Details
You may find that in requesting insurance quotes, you assume that coverages and terms are identical to an insurance plan you may already have or have received elsewhere. These quotes may be similar, but often times there are variations. Obviously the companies behind the underwriting and the insurance agency providing the services may be material to the quality and satisfaction of the product. These aspects are within the considerations of decision-making.
However, make sure you have compared your apples-to-apples coverages to ensure that you are to receive the protection you anticipated if an event occurs – and that the costs associate with such coverages are correctly compared.
An Insurance Quote That is Too Good To Be True
Are you enticed by a low-price quote? Is there an insurance quote that seems too high? By comparing the details, you may find that the lower cost quote may be omitting coverages or terms of coverage you assumed. You may be surprised by additional contingencies or caveats to coverage. Similarly, you may feel that a quote seems “high” or more pricey than you expected.
The lower quote may be preferable if you understand what you are not getting and you are prepared to accept that additional risk or those considerations in coverage. The higher insurance quote however, may offer more of what you really should have relative to your business and risk – and it may represent a better overall value.
Understand the Value – Not Just The Price of Insurance
When you finally feel comfortable knowing that you are comparing equal policies, only then can you feel confident that you are comparing equal values.
The complexity of insurance warrants an experienced guide to help you through the maze of insurance policies and suitability of use. The experienced insurance agents at the Southeast Insurance Group can help in the analyis of coverage and the suitability of the “right” insurance coverage for your assets.
Our insurance offices are conveniently located in the heart of Coconut Grove – Miami, Florida and centrally located in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Contact the insurance experts who can candidly assess your coverages and insurance costs.